All information found on this website is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to, nor should be used to, diagnose, treat, prescribe, cure, or prevent any disease, health condition, or illness. The information provided is not a substitute for professional care. Should you suspect you may have a medical or psychological issue, please consult a healthcare professional in that given field. Transcending LLC (Transcending Pain) provides information on mind-body issues and healing techniques. However, the content is not intended to serve as a substitute for professional healthcare advice or treatment. Individual results may vary, and Transcending LLC cannot guarantee effectiveness. By using this website, you agree to the privacy and cookie policy of this website and GreenGeeks hosting. Personal information collected could include information about your browser, network, and device; web pages you’ve visited previously or while using this website, your IP address, activity on this webpage. By using this website, you assume the risks that may be associated with internet use to include virus or malware, and you do not hold Transcending LLC responsible. Transcending LLC provides informational resources only, does not endorse any products, and does not hold the same opinions of these resources. NEVER DISREGARD PROFESSIONAL HEALTHCARE ADVICE OR DELAY SEEKING CARE BECAUSE OF INFORMATION YOU ENCOUNTERED ON THIS WEBSITE.
Transcending LLC (Company) is not a licensed medical institution, nor employs licensed healthcare providers. Company publishes information for educational purposes only. None of these materials or content have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration, the Federal Trade Commission, or any other government agency. You understand that the information provided is not designed or intended to offer emergency medical care or response services.
Transcending LLC (Company) offers general information about a non-medical process that has been effective in helping some people in alleviating chronic symptoms. Please note: the information included in the process may not be appropriate for your specific health situation. Company does not give medical advice or opinions on medical conditions, treatments or cures; and you should not rely upon anything in the process or process materials as a preventive, cure, or treatment for any purposes. Any information in the process or process materials that appears in the form of an opinion, recommendation, preventive, cure or treatment should NOT be taken as medical or other advice even if it may appear to you as such. Company recommends you check with a licensed physician who is familiar with the details of your particular situation before you begin employing any of the suggested tools.
Your health is your responsibility. Your use of this information is your choice and will be at your own risk. The concepts shared are not intended to offer you all information about maintaining a healthy mind and body. There are many options and alternative courses of action that may be equally or more beneficial to you. Depending upon your specific health situation, the information shared may be detrimental to your health. Exploring all of the options and alternatives is your responsibility.
Transcending LLC (Company) will not be liable for any injury, harm or death you or others may suffer as a result of the use or attempted use of ideas shared. Company will not be liable for any indirect, consequential, special, incidental or punitive damages related to your decision to employ the tools suggested.
Check with your medical provider before employing the Transcending LLC approach or suggested tools.